Anaesthetic Procedure Pack
The TPPAP100 Anaesthetic Procedure Pack is designed to provide all the essential tools and accessories needed to administer a standard anaesthetic. This pack includes 15 high-quality components, each tailored for an efficient and safe procedure.
Available through Toffeln and NHS Supply Chain.
View Data Sheet for a bill of materials.
IV Cannulation Procedure Pack
The TPPIV100 IV Cannulation Procedure Pack is designed to provide all the essential tools and accessories needed for a standard IV cannulation procedure. This pack includes 8 high-quality components, each tailored for efficient and safe IV cannulation.
Available through Toffeln and NHS Supply Chain.
View Data Sheet for a bill of materials.
Epidural Procedure Pack
The TPPEP100 Epidural Procedure Pack is designed to provide all the essential tools and accessories needed to administer an epidural. This pack includes 22 high-quality components, each tailored for an efficient and safe procedure.
Available through Toffeln and NHS Supply Chain.
View Data Sheet for a bill of materials.
Hand Procedure Pack
The TPPHP100 Hand Procedure Pack is designed to provide all the essential tools and accessories needed for hand surgeries. This pack includes 22 high-quality components, each tailored for efficient and safe surgical hand procedures.
Available through Toffeln and NHS Supply Chain.
View Data Sheet for a bill of materials.
Dialysis Connection & Disconnection Set
The TPPDI100 Dialysis Connection & Disconnection Set is designed to provide all the essential tools and accessories needed for a dialysis procedure. The pack includes 23 high-quality components split across two sets for dialysis connecting and disconnecting.
Available through Toffeln and NHS Supply Chain.
View Data Sheet for a bill of materials.
Catheter Connection & Disconnection Set
The TPPDI101 Catheter Connection & Disconnection Set is designed to provide all the essential tools and accessories needed for a catheterisation procedure. The pack includes 13 high-quality components split across two sets for connecting and disconnecting a catheter.
Available through Toffeln and NHS Supply Chain.
View Data Sheet for a bill of materials.
Catheterisation Procedure Packs
The TPPCT101/2/3 Catheterisation Procedure Packs are designed to provide all the essential tools and accessories needed for catheterisation. These packs includes 11 high-quality components, each tailored for an efficient and safe catheterisation procedure.
Available through Toffeln and NHS Supply Chain. (small, medium, large)
View Data Sheet for a bill of materials.
Community Wound Care Procedure Pack
The TPPCW100 Community Wound Care Procedure Pack is designed to provide all the essential tools and accessories needed for wound care. This pack includes 7 high-quality components, each tailored for efficient and safe community wound care.
Available through Toffeln and NHS Supply Chain.
View Data Sheet for a bill of materials.
Acute Wound Care Procedure Packs
The TPPAW100/1/2/3 Acute Wound Care Procedure Packs are designed to provide all the essential tools and accessories needed for acute wound care. The packs includes 6/7 high-quality components (with or without gloves), each tailored for wound care.
Available through Toffeln and NHS Supply Chain.
View Data Sheet for a bill of materials.
Standard Delivery Procedure Pack
The TPPSD100 Standard Delivery Procedure Pack is designed to provide all the essential tools and accessories needed for a standard delivery. This pack includes 17 high-quality components, each tailored for efficient and safe delivery.
Available through Toffeln and NHS Supply Chain.
View Data Sheet for a bill of materials.
C-Section Procedure Pack
The TPPCS100 Standard C-Section Procedure Pack is designed to provide all the essential tools and accessories needed for a standard c-section delivery. This pack includes 31 high-quality components, each tailored for an efficient and safe c-section delivery.
Available through Toffeln and NHS Supply Chain.
View Data Sheet for a bill of materials.
Laparoscopy Procedure Pack
The TPPLP100 Laparoscopy Procedure Pack is designed to provide all the essential tools and accessories needed for Laparoscopic procedures. This pack includes 28 high-quality components tailored for efficient and safe surgical procedures.
Available through Toffeln and NHS Supply Chain.
View Data Sheet for a bill of materials.
Minor Surgery Procedure Pack
The TPPGP100 Minor General Procedure Pack is designed to provide all the essential tools and accessories needed for minor general surgeries. This pack includes 14 high-quality components, each tailored for efficient and safe surgical procedures.
Available through Toffeln and NHS Supply Chain.
View Data Sheet for a bill of materials.
Major Surgery Procedure Pack
The TPPMG200 Major General Procedure Pack is designed to provide all the essential tools and accessories needed for major general surgeries. This pack includes 32 high-quality components, each tailored for efficient and safe surgical procedures.
Available through Toffeln and NHS Supply Chain.
View Data Sheet for a bill of materials.